How we work?

The below details the published work plan for the ScienceGirls project:

Based on long-standing European experience, the basic principle of communication is the principle of simplicity.

Therefore the ScienceGirls communication and collaboration is organised by 3 types of communication covering all expected communication needs among partners along the project:

A) Partner meetings placed at strategical milestones to facilitate each of the project’s main phases and to facilitate the transition from one phase to the next.
The partner meetings include a very strong integration of all project levels: project management, local implementation and the direct participation of the key players (teachers and students).
B) Preparation and follow-up actions of partner meetings will create dynamic communication across considerable time spans and far beyond the meetings themselves.
This will happen through the virtual communication in BaseCamp.
C) The project coordinator and quality partner will organise Skype meetings with each practice partners on two occasions between each of the partner meetings to facilitate local implementation and progression.

The internal communication in the project will take place in a number of BaseCamp forums, as BaseCamp has proved the most simple and efficient communication tool in a long line of Erasmus+ projects in 2014 and 2015.
BaseCamp is fully flexible and can be adjusted to any project need along the implementation, and can readily offer special forums for local teams and invite community collaborators into specially designed forums.


The partner meetings are distributed strategically to form part of these evaluations and to prepare the project and the partners for the subsequent phase.

In line with the full and direct involvement of the girls’ teams each partner meeting will include the participation of one of the support teachers and the girls’ team captain from all practice partners, and the second day of the 3 first and key partner meetings will be devoted to capacity building of the participating support teachers and girls teams captains.

Phase 1 – 3 months – project months 1-3 – SEP-NOV 2016
PARTNER MEETING 1 + capacity building in the UK in month 2
Key mission:
– creating consensus among all partners and types of participants
– creating a collaborative culture in the project
– evaluating the guidelines produced by the project
– preparing phase 2: How we feel science
– preparing the project’s media work including
– sharing guidelines on virtual collaboration and documentation of activities
– interacting with the local science learning community

Phase 2 – 4 months – project months 4-7 – DEC 2016 – MAR 2017
PARTNER MEETING + capacity building in Greece in month 7
Key mission:
– evaluating phase 2 (“How we feel science”) based on the quality programme and its quality criteria, including the documentation of the phase
– working on the project’s media tasks
– evaluating the project’s collaborative culture, including the virtual collaboration between the girls’ teams
– preparing phase 3: Science in real-life
– first reparation of the ScienceGirls Science Vision Encounter in month 19 in Catalonia
– interacting with the local science learning community

Phase 3 – 8 months – project months 8-15 – APR-NOV 2017
PARTNER MEETING 3 + capacity building in Italy in month 14
Key mission:
– evaluating phase 3 (“Science in real-life”) based on the quality programme and its quality criteria, including the documentation of the phase
– working on the project’s media tasks
– evaluating the project’s collaborative culture, including the virtual collaboration between the girls’ teams
– preparing phase 4: Visions of early science engagement
– detailed preparation of the ScienceGirls Science Vision Encounter in month 19 in Catalonia including local media and raw material preparations
– interacting with the local science learning community, including with female role-models or rule-breakers

Phase 4 – 6 months – project months 16-21 – DEC 2017 – MAY 2018
5 days intensive ScienceGirls Science Vision Encounter in month 19 in Catalonia (description and details refer to mobility section below)

Phase 5 – 3 months – project months 22-24 – JUN-AUG 2018
PARTNER MEETING 4 + futuring in Slovenia in month 22
Key mission:
– evaluating phase 4 (“Visions of early science engagement”) and the entire project based on the quality programme and its quality criteria, including the documentation of the phase
– planning of the production of final outcomes
– preparing phase 4: Visions of early science engagement
– co-designing the local multiplier events and their expected results
– interacting with the local science learning community, including with female role-models or rule-breakers
– how will the project be followed up at local and EU level, and what could be the roles of the girls’ teams